Appeal Decision 142 - Certificate of Lawful
This appeal decision summary and
assessment has been produced by Planning Jungle Limited. For more information, please go to
October 2010 - Code a00142
Summary of Case (appeal
The property is a two-storey
semi-detached house, with a hipped main roof. The application was
for a proposed rear and side dormer. The submitted drawings stated
that the face of the side dormer would be brick.
The Council refused the
application on the basis that the brickwork that was proposed for the face of the side dormer would not be
similar in appearance to the materials used in the construction of the exterior of the existing roof (which
predominantly consists of blue tiling).
The key issue was whether the
use of brickwork for the face of the side dormer would be contrary to Class B, part B.2(a), which requires that
“the materials used in any exterior work shall be of a similar appearance to those used in the construction of
the exterior of the existing dwellinghouse”.
The Inspector stated the
“In considering the
application of this condition in respect of the proposed development, I can now take into account relevant
technical guidance from the Department for Communities and Local Government, which has recently been published
on the Planning Portal. This I consider resolves the disputed issue satisfactorily without the need for me to
offer any view on what was intended by the wording of the condition. The guidance states, on page 34, that
Condition B.2(a) is intended to ensure that any addition or alteration to a roof for a loft conversion results
in an appearance that minimises visual impact and is sympathetic to the existing house. What that is said to
mean is that the materials should be of similar visual appearance to those in the existing house, but
does not mean that they need to be the same materials or match exactly. In the light of this and the two
examples given in the guidance, I conclude in favour of the appellant”.
[Note: In my
opinion, the above conclusion contradicts the advice in the
“DCLG - Permitted development for householders - Technical guidance” (August
2010). The Inspector provides
extracts from page 34 of this guidance document, and then refers to the two examples that are given (at the end of
page 34). However, these two examples are written in the guidance
document as follows:
“- the
flat roofs of dormer windows will not normally have any visual impact and so the use of materials such as felt,
lead or zinc for flat roofs of dormers will therefore be acceptable
- the face
and sides of a dormer window should be finished using materials that give a similar visual appearance to
existing house. So the materials used for facing a dormer should appear to be of similar colour and
design to the materials used in the main roof of the house when viewed from ground level. Window frames
should also be similar to those in the existing house in terms of their colour and overall
In my
opinion, the conclusion by this appeal decision that the face of a dormer can be of a similar appearance to the
main flank wall contradicts the above guidance that the face of a dormer should be of a similar appearance to
the main roof].
Class B, part B.2(a)
would allow the face and cheeks of a dormer to be of a similar appearance to the walls of
the main house. In other words, it is not necessary
for the face and cheeks of a dormer to be of a similar appearance to the roof of the main
house. [Note: This
would appear to contradict at least one other appeal decision – for further information see the entry in the
“Reference Section” on “Materials”] [Relevant to: “Materials”, A.3(a), B.2(a)].
Links to the “Appeal
Decision Notice” and other associated documents (e.g. drawings, etc):
Appeal Decision
Download documents and diagrams of
Permitted Development