Summary of the latest Permitted Development changes - May 30th
Non-Residential Extensions
These are each subject to a sunset clause expiring on 30th May 2016.
Extensions to Industrial and Warehouse Buildings [Part 8, Class A]
This amendment extends the current PD limit for Class B1(b), B2 and B8 premises from 100m² to 200m². There is an
overall limit to the amount by which the ‘original building’ may be extended of 10% on Article 1(5) land [i.e.
conservation areas, national parks, etc.]; 25% in SSSIs; and 50% elsewhere, or 500m² on Article 1(5) land or 1000m²
elsewhere, whichever is the lesser amount.
In order to ensure compliance with the sunset clause, the developer must give the LPA notice of the completion
of the extension works, providing details of the date of completion, and a description of the building works,
including its location and dimensions.