Dirty trick No. 7:- The original wall of the property no longer exists
Sometimes a PD house extension is to replace a previous house extension where the
original wall has already been knocked through or removed. Some Planners and Council lawyers have had the view that
as the dimensional constraints for the PD extension is referenced off an original wall, the new replacement
extension is not considered PD as there is no original wall left to measure it from.
The fact that the original wall may still existing at the first floor level or could even have wall returns at
the corners or a central pier does not seem to prevent them from coming up with this stupid and obstructive
Suggestion:- Most planners doing their site visits only look at the property externally and often from a
distance of from the highway only. Therefore show on the application plans that a large part of the original wall
is still in place for the existing or survey plans to overcome this technicality.